- This event has passed.
Waynesville, NC
Western Carolina Hamfest Hobnob
WCARS Hamfest Hobnob – Saturday July 23, 2022
Come mingle with the beautiful hams of Western NC and see if you can spot your fellow Gitmo Nation Citizen Slaves amongst the crowd. Licensed No Agenda Hams can chit-chat on 147.420 simplex while in the hamfest grounds. We’ll gather round the concession area around 10A for coffee and such. No formal schedule or agenda.
After the hamfest, be sure to head to the Asheville PicklePalooza Meetup ( https://noagendameetups.com/event/asheville-nc-picklepaloosa/ ) just down I-40!! TWO MEETUPS IN ONE DAY!!
Smoky Mountain Event Center 758 Crabtree Road, Waynesville, NC 28785
- Free parking
- Hourly Prizes
- Forums
- Reserved Inside Tables
- Covered Flea Market Spaces (No Tables)
- On-Site Camping with Electric and Water (first come basis, 12 Noon
Friday July 22nd through 4 PM Saturday)
Sponsored by Western Carolina Amateur Radio Society
Talk-In on WCARS repeater
- (W4MOE, 146.910- / 91.5, Asheville)
- HCARC (N4DTR, 147.390+ / 94.8, Lake Junaluska)
WCARS License Exams by WCARS-VE at 2:00 P.M. at Junaluska Community Volunteer Fire Department 90 Old Clyde Road, Lake Junaluska, NC 28745