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Mayfield Heights, OH

North East Ohio – Post Valentines Day Blues Cure

Knights, Dames and Slaves!

Valentines Day can be tough for many! But that is not so at the No Agenda Round Table! Come celebrate with your favorite No Agenda peeps and forget those Valentines Day blues!

Unfortunately we need to change venue to 56Kitchen due to a scheduling snafu! The reservation will still be under No Agenda.  Please RSVP no later than Friday at 5pm as space will be limited! (Plus you really don’t want to feel the wrath of Dame Ashley!) 56 kitchen does close at 9pm, so for anyone interested we can move the party elsewhere in the area!

Please don’t use the map below! Use the address for navigation


Saturday Feb. 26, 2022

5:00pm – 11:30pm

Eastern Time


Sir Real Estate

Registrations are closed for this event